
Develop Leaders is one of our Leader Essentials. Why? Because developing leaders was a central aspect to Jesus’ ministry. He said, “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:38).

“Pray earnestly” for leaders is something we often forget. Yet, Jesus said, to make praying for leaders a priority. How do we know when we have prayed enough for leaders? When God begins to use us to send out leaders.

Five reasons we are encouraging you to do a 30-day prayer challenge.

  1. We need faith to believe God can use us to develop leaders.
  2. We need focus to develop leaders in our groups.
  3. We need vision to see potential in our people.
  4. We need every group to have an apprentice.
  5. We need to send well-trained leaders to Grouplink to form new groups.

Will you commit to praying for 30-days for a leader to emerge from your group?


Are you struggling with the idea of sending out someone you care about?  Listen to our recent Leaders Connection talk which addressed the tension between providing care and developing leaders.


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