prayer meme.001

We all have limits. Jesus faced the crowds and their overwhelming need.  He saw people who would never be in his small group.  How did he express his compassion for them?  He prayed for leaders. Praying for leaders is how Jesus expressed compassion for those who would never be in his small group.

Who will experience the joy, belonging, support, and growth that are found in a community group, because you prayed for leaders….and God answered your prayer?  Praying for leaders is selfless because it doesn’t serve your group and it doesn’t make your life easier.  Developing leaders is a sacrifice the group makes for the greater good.  And it starts with you.

Try this prayer:

“Father, the opportunities to make disciples of the crowd are enormous. I pray that you would send out leaders to help make disciples and to lead community groups. If you want to use me to develop leaders, I’m willing. Give me eyes to see the potential in each member of my group.”



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