Leading a Group Discussion (video)

Are you leading your first group discussion? This video will cover all the essentials to include the types of questions, how to handle silence, and moving the discussion through the key phases. (5:50mins)

Hosting a Group Meeting (video)

Are you hosting your first group meeting? Or, have you been a host, but have lost the heart to host and need to catch the bigger picture? These three practical tips will help.(3:43mins) Hosting Group: A Practical Guide to Hospitality

Helping Your Group Win! (video)

Are you a group participant? Or, a group leader wanting to teach your group how they can help the group be effective? Learn three ways you can help the group become the community in which you long to belong. (3mins)

Develop Leaders – Jesus’ Model Prayer

We all have limits. Jesus faced the crowds and their overwhelming need.  He saw people who would never be in his small group.  How did he express his compassion for them? 

Leading with a Group Schedule

A well-planned group schedule can help you execute the Leader Essentials and get the most ministry from a 6-8 week season. Here is a sample group schedule and how it can maximize your groups impact.

Develop Leaders

We develop leaders so that everyone can experience the community group experience. Jesus asked his followers to pray for workers. Developing leaders starts with prayer and continues through intentional apprenticing of people in your group.

From One Group to Three

We had breakfast with Joe Willemin, Ross Hosea, and Charlie Weisinger to listen to their experience of going from one group to three groups.