Developing Spiritual Gifts (with Assessment)

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms (1 Peter 4:10 NIV). Everyone has a gift. Followers of Jesus are expected to use their gift(s) to serve one another. When they do, two things happen; first, they mature spiritually; and […]

Leading with a Group Schedule

A well-planned group schedule can help you execute the Leader Essentials and get the most ministry from a 6-8 week season. Here is a sample group schedule and how it can maximize your groups impact.

Provide Care

Providing care makes your group a family. We learn to love. It promotes trust and deepens relationships. It tells group members they are valuable. Providing care resists sin and promotes faith. The world will know the genuineness of our faith by how we demonstrate love in our groups.

Connected, but alone?

Sherry Turkle, Professor at MIT, gave a Ted talk in the 90’s saying social media held incredible promise to connect humans together. In 2012, she reversed her position and said social media is keeping us from real human connection. Her TED talk, “Connected, but alone?” has 3 million views.

YouVersion Bible App

Over 180 million users have downloaded the Bible app from around the world. Here are five ways the Bible app can help you and your group grow spiritually.

Using the R.E.A.P. Journaling Method (w/Example)

The Bible needs to be read, interpreted, and applied, in order for it to produce life change. Developing the habit of journaling will help you get more from your Bible reading, and produce more satisfying spiritual growth. R.E.A.P Method of Journaling Read: Read the assigned section of the Bible from your daily reading plan. Underline […]

End Well

Begin with the end in mind. Every group will have an ending. The question is not if it will end, but how it will end. Here are some question to help you reflect on what makes for a successful end to the group experience.

Promote Participation

People grow when they participate. Groups are strongest when all the members are contributing. One of the first tasks of leaders is to help people feel safe and start to engage in discussion, prayer, serving, and contributing to the group. When all group members are participating the group is richer in experience, perspective, gifts, and […]

Stay Connected

Ministry flows out of a relationship with Christ. Apart from Him we can do nothing. We lead at our best when we are responding to the grace, love, and mercy of Christ in our lives and sharing the same with those in our group. The best way to stay connected is to foster the habits […]

Cultivate Relationships

Community groups are relational environments. It’s love of God and love of people that fuels our groups.  Make relational time a priority and be intentional about building relationships. This is particularly important as the group is forming.

Celebrate Change

Keeps the focus on the purpose of the group.  When we take time to celebrate life change it encourages one another in our spiritual journey. Often times, there is change going on but we have not taken the time to notice. Seeing life change keeps people motivated.  Who doesn’t want a highly motivated group?

Develop Leaders

We develop leaders so that everyone can experience the community group experience. Jesus asked his followers to pray for workers. Developing leaders starts with prayer and continues through intentional apprenticing of people in your group.

Serve Together

One of the gifts of the Christian life is to give one’s life in service to another. Making the turn from self-centered living to other-centered living is a milestone in spiritual growth. Serving deepens the group’s relationships while providing for new relationships to be built. You learn more about each other and your different gifts […]