Developing Spiritual Gifts (with Assessment)

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms (1 Peter 4:10 NIV). Everyone has a gift. Followers of Jesus are expected to use their gift(s) to serve one another. When they do, two things happen; first, they mature spiritually; and […]

Real Life Stories – Christmas Outreach

Jerry & Jayne Burgess led their group to do a Christmas outreach. They demonstrate that groups can take initiative to Serve Together by finding outreach opportunities that match their interests and passions. “Our group decided on a project that supports Soldiers Angels here in SA. We bought 55 Christmas stockings and filled them with prepackage […]

Halloween Ideas

Halloween is a great holiday to meet your neighbors. It’s also a fun holiday for your group to spend time together—time with a purpose.

Leading with a Group Schedule

A well-planned group schedule can help you execute the Leader Essentials and get the most ministry from a 6-8 week season. Here is a sample group schedule and how it can maximize your groups impact.

Serve Together

One of the gifts of the Christian life is to give one’s life in service to another. Making the turn from self-centered living to other-centered living is a milestone in spiritual growth. Serving deepens the group’s relationships while providing for new relationships to be built. You learn more about each other and your different gifts […]